A lot of people who play Team Fortress 2 eventually end up
wanting some of those hats they see so many other players wearing about the
game, even if they usually just play the game competitively, but they don’t
want to pay for virtual items.
Fortunately, there are quite a few hats in Team Fortress 2 which can be
obtained for completely free, usually by spending a bit of time playing another
game. Thankfully, these other games
happen to be free to play games on Steam. This guide will specifically focus on items you can get without paying a dime, which include hats and miscellaneous items.
The following is a guide to obtaining all the free
promotional items within Team Fortress 2, of which there are many. I have personally obtained most of these items
in TF2, and know that none of them are exceptionally difficult to get, but some
do take time. However, they can all be
obtained without spending any money.
Hat: Alien Swarm Parasite
Class: All
Game Required: Alien Swarm (Free on Steam)
Achievement Required: Hat Trick
To get the hat trick achievement in Alien Swarm, you have to
hop online and complete 2 co-op missions in the top-down shooter. This, like many of the achievements in this
guide, is easily obtained by just playing the game for a while.
Hat: Bolt Action Blitzer
Class: All
Game Required: CrimeCraft GangWars (Free on Steam)
Achievement Required: Key to the City
CrimeCraft GangWars is a free to play shooter that features
a lot of customization and both player versus player and player versus
environment matches, based on gang warfare.
To get the Key to the City achievement, you simply have to create a
character and play a few online matches until your character reaches level six. Getting the achievement is really just a
matter of kicking back and playing the game for a few matches.
Hat: Ghastly Gibus (Ghastlier Gibus Pictured Above)
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: Ghastly Gibus Grab
To get the Ghastly Gibus in Team Fortress 2, you need to
dominate another player while they are wearing the hat. To dominate a player, you must kill them
three times without them killing you.
Fortunately, this hat is so commonly worn within the game that most
players get this achievement by simply playing, but you can try to aim for any
players you see wearing the hat if you want to speed up the process, or find
someone with the hat who will let you kill them.
Hat: Frontline Field Recorder
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: Local Cinema Star
To get the Local Cinema Star achievement, a replay video you
upload to Youtube from within Team Fortress 2 must reach 1000 views. When playing on a replay-enabled server you
can hit F6 to save a replay video, which can be edited and uploaded to Youtube
from within the game. Once the video is
uploaded it needs to get 1000 views before the achievement unlocks. Make sure not to edit the tags that are
automatically attached to the video by Team Fortress 2, as they are how it
tracks the views. In order to get the
views, uploaders should try to use interesting but simple and descriptive
titles, and should also keep the video short.
This can be difficult to obtain, and it may take a significant amount of
time for some videos to reach the view count.
Taunt: Director’s Vision
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: Star of My Own Show
In order to get the Director’s Vision taunt, the player must
save a replay video from within a replay-enabled server in Team Fortress 2 and
then go into the replay editor within the game.
Simply spending some time playing around with the features within the
replay editor should cause the achievement to unlock. This does not usually take more than a few
Hat: The Full Head of Steam
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: Foundry Milestone
To get the Foundry Milestone achievement, you have to
complete 7 achievements in the Foundry Pack, which is a list of 11 achievements
that are all tied to the cp_foundry map in Team Fortress 2. The best method to getting the achievements
is to simply play a whole bunch of rounds on the Foundry map and let them come
naturally, instead of actively seeking them out. That being said, if you have a friend or two
also trying to get the achievements, then actively seeking out the achievements
while playing on the map with them may be the quickest route.
Misc: Professor Speks
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: None
The Professor Speks are a pair of glasses you get if someone
recommends you from their friends list when they decide to go premium in Team
Fortress 2 (by spending any amount of cash in the Team Fortress 2 Mann Co.
Store). You might get these by convincing
someone to go premium, or you can ask someone who is planning to go premium to
recommend you. Generally being nice to
newer players and giving friendly advice and help is the best route to
obtaining a pair. Remember, what goes
around comes around.
Hat: The Flamingo Kid
Class: Sniper
Game Required: Super Monday Night Combat (Free on Steam)
Achievement Required: Rookie Agent
This Super Monday Night Combat achievement is gained by your
agent level reaching five. There is
really no good way to get this other than to play the game until that happens. The game can be quite fun and even has a
touch of Team Fortress style humor. It’s
sort of a hybrid of a third-person shooter and a class-based multiplayer online
battle arena (MOBA) game, which makes it surprisingly unique.
Hat: The Triclops
Class: Pyro
Game Required: Super Monday Night Combat (Free on Steam)
Achievement Required: All-Star Agent
To get the All-Star Agent achievement in Super Monday Night
Combat, your agent level must reach 20.
This is an achievement that can only be gained by playing the game for
as many matches as it takes for that level to be reached. This can however take several hours of
playing the game, so players should really try to enjoy the game and not dwell
on the destination during the path to this hat.
Hat: Spiral Sallet
Class: All
Game Required: Spiral Knights
(Free on Steam)
Achievement Required: Mission Accomplished
The Mission Accomplished
achievement is obtained by playing through Spiral Knights until you get to the
first Clockworks Terminal, which is a sort of dungeon you go through with other
players. Spiral Knights is a top down
action rpg, which is fairly simple to understand and easy to play. Just play through this first area, which will
most likely be with a group of other players, and avoid dying. Once you complete the area, the achievement
will be yours.
Weapon: Black Rose
Class: Spy
Game Required: Alliance of Valiant Arms (Free on Steam)
Achievement Required: 1st One
To get the 1st One Down
achievement you must create a character in Alliance of Valiant Arms and complete
their first game in the first person shooter.
This is a fairly quick achievement to obtain and is easily done.
Misc: Pyrovision Goggles
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortess 2
Achievement Required: A Fresh Pair of Eyes
This achievement is gained the same way as the Ghastly Gibus achievement. Simply dominate another player wearing a pair to unlock them for yourself. Just make it a point to target players with the goggles, or find someone wearing them who will let you kill them three times. Most likely, this will unlock naturally for someone who plays a decent amount of Team Fortress 2. The goggles were also given out as Vintage versions to anyone who played TF2 during the Meet the Pyro event.
Misc: Pyrovision Goggles
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortess 2
Achievement Required: A Fresh Pair of Eyes
This achievement is gained the same way as the Ghastly Gibus achievement. Simply dominate another player wearing a pair to unlock them for yourself. Just make it a point to target players with the goggles, or find someone wearing them who will let you kill them three times. Most likely, this will unlock naturally for someone who plays a decent amount of Team Fortress 2. The goggles were also given out as Vintage versions to anyone who played TF2 during the Meet the Pyro event.
Hat: Gentle Munitionne of Leisure
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: Doomsday Milestone
This hat is unlocked by completing 7 of the achievements in the Doomsday achievement pack, which is a list of achievements that are unlocked on the Doomsday map. This is one of the more difficult achievement hats to obtain, as the majority of the achievements can be difficult to unlock, or require a certain amount of luck to obtain quickly. I would recommend trying to play on the map with several friends, having a specific goal to unlock achievements by working together to expedite the process.
Several of the Halloween achievements are only available around Halloween and unlock free items, but I'm going to list the ones which can be unlocked any time of the year on many servers. Often server operators like to spawn the Halloween bosses for fun, and many servers (including trade servers) are set up so that they spawn from time to time.
Hat: Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head
Class: All
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievement Required: Sleepy Hall0WNED
Limitations: This item will only be shown if it is around Halloween, it is a Full Moon, or if a server you are playing on has Halloween Mode enabled.
In order to unlock this achievement, you must be on a server where the Horseless Headless Horsemann spawns, and you must be one of the last three players to land an attack on him before he dies. I am frequently able to run around the Horsemann and shoot using the Scout. Just try to stay far enough away that the Horsemann cannot stun you, and try to land a lot of hits on the him.
Item: Unusual Haunted Metal Scrap
Possible Weapon: Unusual Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker (Pictured Above)
Possible Hats: Spine-Tingling Skull/Spine-Cooling Skull/Spine-Twisting Skull
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Class: All (Hat) Demoman (Wep)
Achievement Required: Gored!
To get the Gored! achievement, you have to attack the Horsemann, specifically with a melee weapon, right before he dies. This can be difficult, since getting that close to him will give him an opportunity to one-hit kill you before you can smack him for the achievement. I recommend using a melee weapon with a longer reach, such as the Demoman's Eyelander to try to make things a little easier. Once you get the achievement, you will get Haunted Metal Scrap which can be used to get a Demoman's melee weapon (my personal choice) or one of three varieties of the Spine-Chilling Skull hat (randomly chosen). Either way, crafting your desired item, will cost you a lot of crafting materials, so you may have to save up some items to craft into metal before you can get your true reward. NOTE: Currently, only "premium" players have access to the crafting recipes for these items. That means you must have spent any amount of money in the Mann. Co. Store to unlock premium.
Hat: The Monoculus!
Misc: Bombinomicon (Badge Item - Not Pictured)
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievements Required: A Fresh Pair of Eyes (Hat) | Dive Into A Good Book (Misc)
Limits: The hat will only be shown if it is around Halloween, it is a Full
Moon, or if a server you are playing on has Halloween Mode enabled. The Bombinocomicon can be worn any time.
First of all, to get the achievement A Fresh Pair of Eyes, and subsequently the Monoculus! hat, you must be one of the final three players to land a blow on the floating eyeball boss Monoculus! As with the Horsemann, I recommend using the Scout and keeping your distance to try to unlock this achievement. The rockets can be very difficult to dodge at close range with slower classes. As Monoculus dies, you can jump into the portal left beyond and run up to the skull island (being careful not to fall into the depths below and die). Once there, you will find a book within a cage, which will open up, allowing you to touch the Bombinomicon to unlock the achievement and be teleported back to the main map.
Hat: The Skull Island Topper
Hat: The Skull Island Topper
Game Required: Team Fortress 2
Achievements Required: A Lovely Vacation Spot
To obtain The Skull Island Topper, you must defeat the boss of the 2012 Halloween event, Merasmus!, or be nearby when other players kill him. When he dies, the Bombinocomicon book will be visible. Jumping into the book will teleport players to an island where the hat can be found within a cage inside of a giant skull. By walking up to the cage, it will open, allowing the player to walk into the hat, and subsequently obtain the head-wear. Merasmus! is dealt significant damage by the Huntsman Sniper weapon when it is fully drawn and shot at his head. A server full of players who work together and know this weakness can make short work of him.
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Thankyou for this useful information.
ReplyDeleteGood Work
can someone help me with getting the professor speks? my steam name is thenintendude64 and my profile picture is a derpy heavy. I will help the person who helps me get them.
Deleteill add u my user is bhcool12 so dont decline
Deletethanks man, this has been alot of help
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it's helping! :-D
ReplyDeletethis is amazing, great info
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible!
ReplyDeleteHey! Great guide man. But on Steam the game you have said say about the promotional items except for AVA. Is it still ok?
DeleteIm level 6 on Super MNC but i cant get flamingo kid
ReplyDeleteread more it says you need a different game for it
Deleteme too..
DeleteIf you don't get the assassin mask when you get to level 20 in SMNC just play another match and you'll get it. That's what happened to me atleast.
ReplyDeleteHey guys, just play another few matches, and it might pop after a completed match or when you hit another level for the SMNC achievements. Both of mine popped a little later than they were supposed to be unlocked.
ReplyDeleteThat was really nice :) Free Computer Games ~ Freeware Softwares
ReplyDeleteMonday Night Comabat isnt free :S
ReplyDeleteThe hats are from SUPER Monday Night Combat, which is the free to play sequel to Monday Night Combat. The first game is just called Monday Night Combat and is not free.
Deleteif you search Super MNC then it's free but if you search Super Monday then it costs money
Deletenice info...thanks bro!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Nice username! Makes me want to play some Castlevania.
Deletethanks for that.....
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteNObody cares about what they are advertising... WE just want hats.
DeleteThanks alot bro il be sure to get these when i get windows. Go mac!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteIt was awesome :D THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this easy list! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're very welcome :D
DeleteSuper monday night combat isnt free anymore!
ReplyDeleteI just checked on Steam and it's still Free to Play. There's a $15 DLC thing you can buy, but the game is listed as free.
Deleteoh,i must have mistaken that
DeleteIf I'm not mistaking, the "The Skull Island Topper" is not Halloween restricted. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're right, nice catch! I've taken off the limitations text on that one. Thanks!
Deleteemm i couldnt get the balck rose pleeasehelp me :/
ReplyDeleteYou have to keep playing matches on the game to get the achievement. Once you get the achievement play a few more rounds then you'll get it. My friend and I had the same issue.
DeleteWow i didnt know this much. Thats a lot
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot !
ReplyDeleteYou've opened my eyes for new objectives.
Dude awesome List, a great help. If onloy you could get the dragon born helmet by killing a dragon in tf2 =P Great guide.
ReplyDeleteHey are the super Monday night hats still working I played all night last night and got to level 7 and didn't get my hat =(
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo I got to level 6 in GangWars and got the achievement but no hat. Has this happened to any of you?
ReplyDeleteThanks for this superb article! :)
ReplyDeleteGreat article, really helpful. You can also get a party hat by playing TF2 on August 24th, because that was when the original Team Fortress was released
ReplyDeleteThanks for the help! I got the Spiral Sallet, Alien Swarm Parasite, Pyrovision Goggles, and Ghostly Gibbus with the information.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it was helpful!
DeleteEpic guide man :)
ReplyDeleteNow it's time for some achievement hunting! and playing some poop free steam games! :D
thanks this is really helpful.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this very helpful information!
ReplyDeleteBut do you know how to get the Halloween achievements when it's not Halloween (especially "A Lovely Vacation Spot" achievement)? Is this possible? How?
Some servers have halloween mode on.
DeleteI've played on Helltower 24/7 but there are others.
the spiral knights one took me 3 days to unlock the achievement THREE DAYS
ReplyDeleteLol? it took me 2 hrs :DDD
DeleteThanks for the help, i'm now hunting 'em all !!
ReplyDeletepretty sure that the crafting recipe for the headless horseless horsemann's headtaker is for premium only
ReplyDeleteReally nice guide!. I already have some of them, so i will hunt the others. Plz, can someone explain me how to get the black rose?. I can't download "Alliance of Valiant arms" from Steam :(
ReplyDeleteI have known almost all but dat 2 heads from SSMC .. thanks alot bro :-)
ReplyDeleteThank dude u help me alot but i can't find the A.V.A i want that black rose please tell me how to download it
ReplyDeleteThanks man! i got a lot of items that people are wanting,there always saying "dude ill trade you a key for your black rose",and then,i say "too late,its not tradible! Anyway i wanna say thanks again for the website!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEASY WAY!!! Use steam achivment menager... Just start downloading games, pause it, and unlock achivments... gib(.)me/sam/
ReplyDeletei need help i got the achievment for AVA in 2011 and no black rose in my backpack and no ghostly gibus hat and i got that in 2010
ReplyDeleteWtf i am level 5 in SMNC and didn't get my Flamingo Hat...Help please
ReplyDeletego and play minecraft
DeleteThanks for that amazing guide bro! It helped us a lot
ReplyDeleteLol, Minecraft is a nice sandbox game, i love it.
Oh and, Gunpoint is only 10$ and no need to pre-order
it gives an amazing hat :3
The weapon FRYING PAN and hat ELLIS' CAP can be obtained if a player owns Left 4 Dead 2.
ReplyDeleteLeft 4 Dead 2 is not usually free although it is FREE for a LIMITED TIME so if you want those two items, better hurry up.
ReplyDeletestrenge sniper botkiller
ReplyDelete100 keys
ReplyDeleteI just checked on Steam and it's still Free to Play. There's a $50 DLC thing you can buy, but the game is listed as free.
ReplyDeleteit's premium upgrade [by spending atleast 0.49$
Deleteon Mann co. Store]
ReplyDeleteTesting for comment approval system.
ReplyDeleteI see extra spaces.
ReplyDeleteTy so much! I finally understood that you did not get The Black rose from BioShock infnite
ReplyDeleteI cant find alliance of valiant arms game on steam . i really wanna get black rose
ReplyDeletedont worry type how to get black rose in tf2 in youtube then read the desc then you can find
Deleteis this in real money?
ReplyDeletelol this helped me out alot
ReplyDeleteThanks this really Helps but could u add a guide for the unlockable weps and stuff?
ReplyDeleteI'm on level 5 on Super Monday Night Combat and I don't have the hat yet!!!
Play more.
DeleteUntil level 6-8 and you should get it.
how come the achievement for spiral knights 'Mission Accomplished' is locked
ReplyDeleteyou have to complete the achievement then you get the hat.
Deletewhat do i do in this site?!
ReplyDeleteBest tips ever :P
ReplyDeleteOMG! i got all those hats and my favourite Spy knife (Black Rose) thank you so much. i love this page and i was searching for this site for about a half day
ReplyDeleteWTF SITE DA BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))
ReplyDeletethank BRO
ReplyDeletethanks please make more so i can be pro
ReplyDeletewho can help me getting proffesor speks cause i gonna help too with some weps :D.Thanks